
GLA Services

One of the first services that we can undertake with new partners is a market audit. We conduct a thorough study of the local market and develop an entry strategy that we feel is best suited to positioning your brand in the Kuwaiti market.

Our approach will take into account, not just what it takes to sell your pro ducts or to sell them competitively, but, more importantly, what it takes to develop a long-term brand name that will have residual value in the region.

Once we develop an entry strategy, we offer clients a licensing agreement. This is the broadest and most basic service that we offer our clients. Licensing, in short, is the first and most important step in bringing your company to market.

Kuwait is a very business friendly country, once we have a licensing agreement, there are several possible services that we can provide, depending on the client.
These include:

• Business-to-Government                   • Distribution
• Partnership                                           • Franchise


Business-to-Government (B2G) Services

The Kuwaiti public sector is a client of choice for many professional international service firms. Given the scope of public sector operations, and the commitment of the Kuwaiti government to providing a broad range of services for Kuwaiti citizens, the public sector has a frequent need for professional international service firms operating in the B2G market.

Grand Land can facilitate access to the public sector tender market and provide you with the correct licensing authorization that you need to successfully bid on public sector contracts.

Our services in this specialized B2G market also include:

  • Review: preparation of documents in accordance with specific requirements of public sector authorities
  • Registration: preparation of preregistration documents required for certain types of bids and public sector contracts
  • Business law: provision of legal counsel for compliance purposes
  • Tender research: provision of public sector tenders
  • Facilitated communication: assistance in translation and meetings with respective public sector entities
  • Partnership: working closely with B2G professional international service firms to coordinate bids and fulfillment

Distribution / Exclusive Agent Services

Distribution varies across a spectrum from wholesaling to full support. At one extreme, Grand Land can act as a wholesaler and simply purchase products in volume. We prefer, however, to work with clients through a partnership model. In this model, warehousing, shipping, sales strategy and branding are developed together.

This lowers risk for all parties and provides the best opportunity to interact closely with the market and to optimize branding for the GCC.

Our preferred model of work is as an exclusive agent. As an exclusive agent, we can offer you benefits, services and guarantees in sales that you would not have through other contract forms.

We’ll act as your singular sales and distribution channel into Kuwait and, in exchange, we provide you certain performance guarantees. These guarantees vary as a function of the type of product or service that your company provides. Exclusive agency allows us the best opportunity to help you build your global brand.

We work closely with all of our clients to guarantee that their brand profile and perception are carefully controlled as they enter the Kuwaiti market place.

Partnership Support Services

Franchising is a very popular model in Kuwait, but is largely focused on the fast food/ experiential services industry. If you feel that your current service model is ready for Franchise -based growth in the GCC, please contact our office and ask to speak to one of our franchise agents.

Franchising is complicated and requires significant upfront work: both legal and financial. We actively look for existing franchise chains that we feel best represent emerging global brands and that have the potential (from the perspective of internal operations) to migrate into the competitive.

Branding Strategy

The most important factor in the long-term profitability of your product or service in Kuwait and the broader GCC is the strength of your brand – what it represents, how it is associated, the extent
to which the market perceives it as a source of exceptional value and service. We have seen far too many companies come into the GCC and sacrifice profitability and long-term strategy for short-term margins. We want to make sure this does not happen to you. Our focus, as a general trading and contracting licensing company, is to help you build your aspiring global brand to bring it to the forefront in your industry area in the GCC by tailoring the message your brand delivers.

Why Kuwait

Why is Kuwait an excellent place to grow your aspiring global brand? Why Kuwait
• The population of Kuwait in 2008 was estimated at 3.4 million, of whom 1.2 million are Kuwaiti citizens.
• The median population age is 26 years, whilst 26% of the population are under the age of 14.
• Population growth is estimated at 3.59%
• Kuwait is estimated to have oil reserves of about 101 billion barrels some 10 percent of world reserves.
• Kuwait’s economic performance is consistently strong, ‘with prudent macroeconomic management supporting high growth especially in the non-oil economy.’Kuwait offers efficient distribution and logistics services, with an excellent road network, featuring a series of concentric ring roads around the central business district.
• A number of major consumer research companies, such as the Nielsen Company, are based in Kuwait.• As elsewhere in the GCC, most major international franchises are represented in Kuwait, especially for fast food.
• Second and third tier’ franchising can present opportunities for market entry, particularly in non-food sectors.